
Friday, 19 June 2009

Author in Residence

Can you even begin to imagine, in your wildest dreams ever even begun to be conjured, how ecstatic I am to be invited to be an Author in Residence???

The gorgeous and talented people at Caroline Chisholm primary school in Canberra have asked humble old book-churning me to become their first ever Resident Author during school term 3.

Enormous thanks to Julie and Irene for their amazing encouragement and support - the way they have welcomed me at the school has been just wonderful (I have done SIX book readings and talks at the school, and counting!) and I know working with them will be a priceless life experience.

I am also very keen to work with these lovely students at Caroline Chisholm, who are just the most creative and well behaved kids. I'm right now in the thick of creating a fantabulous programme, based on the structure of Riley and the Sleeping Dragon, to teach the children over a nine-week period.

Author in residence!!!