
Thursday, 27 August 2009

Exciting News!

I am just beside myself to announce that Riley and the Sleeping Dragon has been chosen from tens of thousands of Australian children's books to be featured in the Australian Booksellers Association's annual catalogue for 2009/2010.

Only around 150 titles go into this prestigious Kids' Reading Guide catalogue, which is distributed across the country to bookshops, schools, libraries and educational institutions.

Of course, I am beside myself - can hardly believe my humble little picture book has been so highly esteemed. Makes me feel all the more confident about producing the next in the series, and also keen to redo the book to make it even better (with my amazing new illustrator, Kieron Pratt).

What more could an author want? Kids that love her book and acknowledgment from grownups that her book might actually be Good.

Today is a good day.