
Monday, 10 August 2009

Review: Periwinkle Smith and the Twirly, Whirly Tutu

Title: Perwinkle Smith and the Twirly, Whirly Tutu

Author: John & Wendy

Illustrator: John & Wendy

Publisher: Price Stern Sloan

Format: Hardcover

Language: English

ISBN: 0843137142

For ages: 3-8 years

Type: Picture Book

About: Periwinkle Smith jumps, twirls and pirouettes in her treasured tutu, painting as she goes. Suddenly, Periwinkle notices a spot on her tutu and is left with a dark stain on the rest of her day. Jumping, twirling and pirouetting quickly turns to scaring, sudsing and shielding the spot away. As she seeks another solution, Periwinkle spies a unique display of dots. Her desperation soon turns to inspiration as Periwinkle Smith embraces the spot as a celebratory pattern on her beloved tutu.

Periwinkle Smith and the Twirly, Whirly Tutu is a charming book full of playful illustrations that capture the character's intelligence and energy. Ms. Smith is clever without sporting snarky britches and the book is beautifully designed with a lovely texture that is reminiscent of Perwinkle's own eye-catching canvases.

- review by Meghan Killeen

Related books:
Mommy Loves Me (authored/illustrated by John & Wendy)
Katie Kazoo, Switcheroo by Nancy Krulik and illustrated by John & Wendy

This book is available online:

Booktopia AU$15.50
SeekBooks AU$17.96
Fishpond AU$31.99
Amazon US$9.99

John & Wendy's Website