
Wednesday 5 May 2010

Review: Alice-Miranda At School

Title: Alice-Miranda at School

Author: Jacqueline Harvey

Publisher: Random House, $15.95 RRP

Format: Paperback

ISBN: 9781741664515

For ages: 7+

Type: Novel

About: What’s the worst thing about reviewing kids’ books? When you find a book so enchanting that you want to ignore your own child to keep reading it!

This is the story of Alice-Miranda Highton-Smith-Kennington-Jones, who is entering boarding school at the tender age of seven and one-quarter. Little does she know what is in store for her at Winchesterfield-Downsfordvale Academy for Proper Young Ladies: teachers and students in urgent need of help, a girl trying hard to be her arch enemy, a frightening headmistress who doesn’t want to be seen, great mysteries and a whole stack of challenges.

It is also the tale of a strong little girl who takes life in her stride and has so much to teach the adults around her. She is one girl representing the spirit of childhood: a breath of fresh air reminding us to enjoy life, embrace happiness and treat others well. Alice-Miranda sticks her nose in everyone’s business and approaches her obstacles without fear, making you wish you could live life in just the same way.

Alice-Miranda is a truly remarkable character: she may be spoilt and precocious, but she is so likeable and inspiring that you forgive her indulgences (like being able to call for her daddy’s helicopter to deliver the household cook to school).

Alice-Miranda at School is a modern story with a touch of the classics about it – just enough to make it feel like a book from your own childhood: adventurous, beautifully written, comfortable and fun.

This book is available online

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