
Monday 31 May 2010

Review: Pen Pals Forever - Pyjama Days

Title: Pen Pals Forever: Pyjama Days

Author: Lenny Pelling

Illustrator: Lenny Pelling

Publisher: Random House, $9.95 RRP

Format: Paperback

ISBN: 9781864719031

For ages: 5+

Type: Novel

About: The previous books in the wonderful Pen Pals Forever series shared with us Polly’s postcards to best friend Jez as she travelled around Australia (Summer Days), Jez’s notes to Polly as the two each began new lives at different schools (School Days) and the letters from each of the girls when they explored the lives of their foremothers (Olden Days).

In the final title in the series (for now!), entitled Pyjama Days, Polly is back in the caravan, headed for home. Alas, the family car breaks down and they are stuck at the motel – but at least Polly can still receive Jez’s letters.

Jez is home sick. It was to be her last week at school before the mid-year holidays, but she is stuck in bed with glandular fever.

Feeling a bit bored, both girls let their imaginations run wild as they dream of mummies, pirates, mermaids, cowgirls and more, until Jez has recovered.

Of course, as we have come to expect in the series, there are ideas at the back of Pyjama Days – this time for making get well cards and playing imaginary games.

The Pen Pals Forever series is a gorgeous set of books to share with the early reader in your life, sure to invoke lots of giggles, discussions and original ideas. It really is lovely to see the concept of postcards and handwritten letters sneaking back into stories alongside such strong, likeable characters that feel so real they sneak in to find a comfy little corner in your heart.

It’s a little sad to be saying goodbye to Polly and Jez. I just hope there are more adventures to come, more crazy adventures and beautiful letters from this pair.

This book is available online

Author website

See our reviews of books 1, 2 and 3 in the Pen Pals Forever series, Summer Days, School Days and Olden Days