
Saturday 22 May 2010

What's Up With Bridget's Mum? Medikidz Explain Breast Cancer

Title: What's Up With Bridget's Mum? Medikidz Explain Breast Cancer

Author: Dr Kim Chilman-Blair & John Taddeo

Illustrator: Liquid Comics

Publisher: Medikids Ltd

Format: Soft cover

ISBN: 9781906935085

For ages: 8-12

Type: Junior Fiction

About: Comics, Manga and graphic novels are all the rage right now, and this clever new series has taken the comic genre to a whole new level with this super-slick series targeting the hard-to-explain-let-alone-understand world of medical conditions.

The Medikidz – a group of super-powered action-heroes with plenty of medi attitude - zip around the world teaching kids about the really mind-boggling issues surrounding serious medical conditions and disease.

Pump, Chi, Skinderella, Gastro, Axon and trusty robot Abacus - a brain on legs - each have super powers and abilities - and a knowledge of certain bodily areas. Pump is in charge of the circulatory system and has super strength and speed. Chi is the master of respiratory issues and will help you learn to breathe and relax. Skinderella knows skin and bones, and can morph into a skeleton. Axon covers the brain and his glasses double as a mediscope. And Gastro - well... you can imagine his specialist area... he can, of course, propel himself through the air with his world-famous farts.

The Medikidz series currently features a plethora of medical conditions covered including asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, lukaemia, scoliosis, even swine flu. Kids will not only learn valuable information, they will thoroughly enjoy the storylines of this immaculately-illustrated series.

The books take kids on a tour of Mediland to show, up and close and personal, how each medical condition affects the body. The super hero characters zip through the channels and veins and arteries and cavities of human anatomy and physiology, taking kids on a virtual tour inside the body to achieve virtual understanding like never before.

In What's Up With Bridget's Mum? we meet Bridget who is an A-grade student and star of the school soccer team. But her mum is ignoring her daughter’s achievements – she instead stays in bed all day and is hardly the support Bridget needs. So what's up with her? Well, she has breast cancer. And the Medikids team will take Bridget under their wing and show them exactly what her dear mum is going through, and what her exhausted body is fighting.

Emotional, relevant and meticulously researched and presented by a team of medical professionals and peer reviewers, this series is a must for any hospital, school or library, and would make a wonderful addition to a home library - particularly for kids who suffer from ailments or medical conditions.

Knowledge IS power, and giving children clearly-defined information in the guise of a cool comic book with relatable characters makes this highly marketable series a winner. Well done, Medikidz team!

Medikidz website

This book is available online