
Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Emily Gravett: Fun Facts

Emily's self-portrait

Want to know more about Emily Gravett and that super creative brain? Maybe some of these fun facts will sate you until she releases her next book. Bring it on, Emily!

When Emily was at school, writing and illustrating didn’t occur to her as a career option.

Emily's mum was an art teacher at a special needs school.

Emily's Dad was a printmaker.

Emily never completed her A levels nor went to University.

Emily travelled left home at 17 and travelled for eight years.

After her daughter was born, Emily rediscovered her love of drawing and picture books; she enrolled in an art foundation course.

She completed a BA course in illustration at Brighton University.

Emily wrote Wolves and Orange Pear Apple Bear during her third year at uni.

Emily's partner is a plumber. She has one daughter and a dog that eats paper.

One of Emily's previous jobs was picking potatoes. She was allowed to eat as many as she wanted!

Emily loves roast potatoes, red wine, well-cut lawns, baking cakes, tea and her dog. The person she most admires is her daughter.

She would love to be able to sing.

She wears a lot of stripes. And big boots.

Her pet peeve is lateness.

Emily is a bit of a worrier, and she says she's scared of lots of things (which is why she wrote Little Mouse's Big Book of Fears). The first word she learnt to spell was 'Danger'!

Emily's life motto is: "Why stay between the lines?"

You can see some fabulous videos of Emily at work on her books at her website