
Thursday, 9 September 2010

Review: I've Got a Feeling

The National Library of Australia's children list may only be young, but it's very impressive and two of its recent books celebrated CBCA award nominations and wins - Australian Backyard Explorer by Peter Macinnis won the Eve Pownall award for information books and Lost! A True Tale from the Bush by Stephanie Owen Reeder was shortlisted and given Honour status by the Junior Judges Project.

Author Owen Reeder has written many wonderful books for the NLA, including this gorgeous book for young ones, in which the author also illustrated.

I've Got a Feeling is a beautifully crafted book resplendant with adorable retro-style illustrations that really pack an emotional punch. You can't help but smile or laugh or wince when you lift the flap on each page to reveal the face of a child in full emotional flight.

This is not just another happy sad angry book. The author covers the gamut of emotions from grumpy to proud, excited to bored. She gives verbal emotional cues on each page and a tempting flap-covered peek at the face of a child experiencing said emotions. Then she asks the reader "How do I feel?" before little fingers grasp to flip open the flap and reveal all.

Owen Reeder complements her pictures with well-chosen prose, providing helpful adjectives for each emotion (excited: squealing, chanting, clapping) that will also extend vocabularly and creative thinking.

The concept is not only clever, the alluring pictures will mesmerise kids, particularly the very young, who respond so well to highly emotive faces. This is a totally feel good book and even though it's aimed at toddlers and above, I think it's an absolute must-have for very young babies.

I just wish you luck in your attempt to keep little fingers from opening those page flaps while you read the text!

Title: I've Got a Feeling
Publisher: National Library of Australia, A$17.95RRP
Publication date: 1 April 2010
Format: Soft cover
ISBN: 9780642276971
For ages: 4 – 10
Type: Picture Book