
Monday, 11 October 2010

Review: A Book for Kidz

An Australian classic is re-released - for a new generation of Australian kids to laugh over and appreciate, just as kids have for almost a hundred years.

First released in 1921, this compendium of fun by classic writer CJ Dennis (1876 - 1938) was also illustrated by the author, with charming line drawings depicting his many characters.

Featuring short stories as well as poetry, this lolloping collection of nonsense rhymes and sillyness will have kids entranced.

The language, thankfully, has remained untouched, and I do believe exposing children to vintage writing early in childhood is the way to developing a real appreciation of such literature.

With classics like The Triantiwontigongolope and The Song of the Sulky Stockman, parents will also get a kick out of perusing this book - and it makes a priceless compendium for older children studying Australian literature.

The author's wife said of A Book for Kidz - "I never knew Den more happy then when he was doing A Book for Kidz." Den - we're more than happy to enjoy it.

A must-have classic for every Australian child.

Title: A Book for Kidz
Author: CJ Dennis
Publisher: Black Dog Books, A$24.99RRP
Publication Date: 2 March 2009
Format: Hardcover
ISBN: 9781742030944
For ages: 4+
Type: Poetry