
Wednesday 9 March 2011

National Year of Reading 2012

Do you love to read?

You may just have noticed here at Kids Book Review that we love reading. We do enough of it! and we also do a lot of promoting, showcasing and recommending books with the full intent of enhancing the reading experience for children - and those who provide them every opportunity to hold a book in their hands.

KBR is therefore absolutely delighted to become a partner of Love 2 Read - a breathtaking initiative powered by The Library Agency who have been commissioned by the Australian library network to turn 2012 into a literary masterpiece.

The Library Agency comprises dedicated literary aficionados, Sue McKerracher and Donna McDowell, who are working hard to make 2012 a spectacularly bookish year for children, teachers, librarians, book industry professionals, book-eating frogs, and anyone with an adoration for children's literature. We at KBR are hyperventillating a little at the literary delights in store and can't wait to be involved.

Keep an eye on the Love2Read website for more more more more more! and stay tuned right here on KBR for updates.