
Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Review: Can I Cuddle the Moon?

This beautiful bedtime story follows a conversation between a cute baby owl and his patient mother. With a lovely rhyming text, baby owl keeps asking what he can cuddle – the sky, the stars, the bubbles in his bath and a variety of other impractical suggestions.

Eventually, baby owl gets frustrated that he can’t find something to cuddle that will hold him tight and keep him warm, snuggling into his mother as his questions and thoughts tire him out.

Kerry Brown’s gentle, rhyming story is perfectly complemented by gorgeous illustrations of baby owl by Lisa Stewart that look so soft and fluffy it is hard to resist reaching out to touch them.

This is a perfect bedtime book for toddlers and preschoolers, inviting children and parents to cuddle up together at the end of a busy day or before naptime. With the lilting, gentle story and the wonderfully tactile appearance of the illustrations, children and parents will both be entranced as they read.

- this review by Susan Whelan

Title: Can I Cuddle the Moon?
Author: Kerry Brown
Illustrator: Lisa Stewart
Publisher: Scholastic Australia, $24.99 RRP
Publication date: April 2010
Format: Hard cover
ISBN: 9781741695540
For ages: Toddler and Preschool
Type: Picture book