
Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Review: Farticus Maximus

Barticus has a major problem. It's gas - and I don't mean the cooking-with-it kind. With a knickname like Farticus, you can imagine just how much of a problem this problem has proved to be.

In fact, the problem is so bad, no one can even live near him (other than his mum, because mums do that sort of thing) - but good old Farticus has learned to turn his gasseous issue into a positive.

As the smelliest gladiator of all time, Farticus learned to use his powerful windus as a weapon, not a curse. With interesting results.

But this is only one smelly tale in Felice Arena's collection of pongy Roman tales. There's also smelly verse, a moo fart game that meanders through the intenstines of a cow, a rogues' gallery of bestinked movie posters and songs, and of course - a plethora of onomatopoeia that sound suspiciously like wind escaping.

Silly, quirky, funny, clever, you won't need a whoopee cushion to attract boys to this book. They'll gobble it up, nose-peg or no nose-peg.

Title: Farticus Maximus
Author: Felice Arena
Publisher: Scholastic, A$14.99
Publication Date: October 2010
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9780143300618
For ages: 7-12
Type: Junior Fiction