
Thursday, 10 March 2011

Review: Let's Go Wild series

Sorrel Wilby, known for her work with Australian Geographic, television's Getaway, and her absolute love for nature, can now add 'children's author' to her list of incredible achievements.

I love so much about these books: their informative nature, Wilby's obvious passion for the topic, Pike's gorgeous and witty cartoon sketches, and the fact these books are written from a child's perspective (that of Wilby's son).

Best of all, though, is the humour, something so rare in fact books. This is the special ingredient that makes these books something children will enjoy reading - and therefore absorb more information - and will have them going back for more and more.

Let's Go Wild begins with three books: Guess Who's Coming for Dinner, Just for the Record and Skin Deep. 

This new series is gorgeous, and every child I know in the target age bracket will adore them. (There are some birthday presents sorted!)

Guess Who's Coming for Dinner: Welcome to the amazing natural world that surrounds us!

A tummy-rumbling look at what′s on nature′s menu. Learn all about the wacky things some animals eat and the extraordinary ways they find food to fill their bellies.

Did you know...

Baby blue whales drink around 200 litres of milk every day?

An octopus will eat its own legs in order to survive?

The world′s largest rodent, the capybara, eats its own poo? Gross!

Title: Let's Go Wild: Guess Who's Coming for Dinner
Author: Sorrel Wilby
Illustrator: Michelle Pike
Publisher: ABC Books, $12.99
Publication Date: March 2011
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9780733328244
For ages: 7 - 10
Type: Non-fiction

Just for the Record:  If you think the Olympics are fantastic, just wait till you read about the incredible achievements of the animal kingdom. In this world there are even prizes for coming dead last!

Did you know...

Cheetahs can reach speeds of 100km/hr in just three seconds? That′s faster than a sports car accelerates!

The spotted skunk can spray its stinky weapon out of its bum, while doing a handstand?

Snow leopards can jump distances of up to 15 metres? Definitely a front-runner in the long-jump competition!

Title: Let's Go Wild: Just for the Record
Author: Sorrel Wilby
Illustrator: Michelle Pike
Publisher: ABC Books, $12.99
Publication Date: March 2011
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9780733328268
For ages: 7 - 10
Type: Non-fiction

Skin Deep: In the animal kingdom, it’s what’s on the outside that counts! Discover everything there is to know about animals and their skin - how they use it to attract or repel, hide or stand out and stay cool or warm.

Did you know…

Catfish have more tastebuds on their skin than we have in our mouths?

The golden poison arrow frog has enough poison in its skin to kill 20,000 mice?

Tigers have stripy skin as well as stripy fur?

Title: Let's Go Wild: Skin Deep
Author: Sorrel Wilby
Illustrator: Michelle Pike
Publisher: ABC Books, $12.99
Publication Date: March 2011
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9780733328251
For ages: 7 - 10
Type: Non-fiction