
Saturday, 12 March 2011

Review: Nature Watch series

Baby animals aren't just cute; they're intriguing. How did they come to be here? How do they survive? What do they eat? Where do they live? How long are they with their mother?

All these questions and lots, lots more are answered here, in a book perfect for early primary-school-aged children. All the facts are here, clearly written and laid out with the most stunning photography.

Title: Nature Watch: Baby Animals
Author: Karin Cox
Photographer: Steve Parish
Publisher: Steve Parish Publishing, $12.95 RRP
Publication Date:
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9781741935479
For ages: 5+
Type: Non-fiction

Kids love hearing about dangerous creatures, and it's important for them to learn about how and why animals can and do hurt humans and each other.

This book covers which animals can be dangerous (including some that you mightn't expect), how to tell if an animal might attack and how to avoid being hurt. It also teaches children that animals are dangerous for a reason; not to be deliberately vicious.

An interesting and important educational book.

Title: Nature Watch: Dangerous Animals
Author: Karin Cox
Photographer: Steve Parish
Publisher: Steve Parish Publishing, $12.95 RRP
Publication Date:
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9781741935448
For ages: 5+
Type: Non-fiction

I'll admit I squirmed a little looking through this one, but at the same time I couldn't look away. These facts are perhaps the most interesting of all because these creatures aren't obvious or able to be seen by the naked eye.

Young readers will be fascinated by the different types of insects, the parts that make up these little creatures, and facts about where they live and how they survive.

This photography is amazing, showing kids the detail of the insects they love to seek out in nature.

Title: Nature Watch: Insects
Author: Kerry Kitzelman
Photographer: Steve Parish
Publisher: Steve Parish Publishing, $12.95 RRP
Publication Date:
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9781741935257
For ages: 5+
Type: Non-fiction

We've come to expect a lot from the team at Steve Parish Publishing: beautifully laid-out books, useful and interesting facts, stunning photography... and fun!

This book covers the latter in bucketloads. Activities galore reside in Things to Make and Do, from making a pinata to cooking damper, growing plants to making jewellery. Each one involves some learning, whether it be in finding treasures, discovering how an animal lives or helping your environment.

The perfect book for holiday and weekend fun for primary-school children.

Title: Nature Watch: Things to Make and Do
Author: Kerry Kitzelman
Photographer: Steve Parish
Publisher: Steve Parish Publishing, $12.95 RRP
Publication Date:
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9781741935257
For ages: 5+
Type: Non-fiction