
Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Review: Rex

Rex is the school pet. He lives in a little box in the classroom, but in the evenings and on weekends – the much-adored lizard gets to go home with the kids. Perfect or perilous? This plucky little lizard seems to thrive on a variety of scenarios… he is a chameleon, after all.

On Monday, he gets to swim in a pool. On Tuesday, he scales a high rise building à la Godzilla (as you do). On Wednesday, he helps at the local flower shop (by scaring the customers) and on Thursday he suffers Barbie fashions humiliation. Complete with lacy bra and mobile phone.

Darling Rex.

On Friday, Rex gets to go home with our story’s narrator – what will he do? Where will he go? What does he eat? Will he snore?

The thing I love most about this very simple and charming story is the priceless childlike images from each child who takes Rex home. Kids are invited to keep a journal on Rex’s visit to their house – or they can draw a picture… and boy do they ever (thank you, Mr Mackintosh!).

Funny and thought-provoking for little ones, if you read Rex to your child, be prepared for lots of pestering for a similar Rex experience, ad infinitum until their eighth or even ninth birthday. Sorry.

Title: Rex
Author: Ursula Dubosarsky
Illustrator: David Mackintosh
Publisher: Penguin, $16.95
Publication Date: 10 August 2006
ISBN: 9870143501916
Format: Soft cover
For ages: 2 – 6
Type: Picture Book