
Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Review: Charlie Burr and the Three Stolen Dollars

This new Australian book series is sure to engage boys all over the country.

Charlie is like most of his readers: he just wants to have fun, avoid his sisters and try not to get into trouble with his parents.

It all begins with the three stolen dollars, used by Charlie to buy an icy pole. And from there it quickly turns into disaster after disaster that our main character never wanted or anticipated. With a dingo for a pet, a racing camel and an angry mum, Charlie must find a way to repay the three dollars and convince his mum to let him keep Spike the dingo.

Divided into seven chapters, Monday through to Sunday, we follow the Burr family through their crazy and hilarious adventures in the Australian outback.

With its Aussie slang, lovable characters and keen sense of humour, this series is sure to be a winner.

Title: Charlie Burr and the Three Stolen Dollars
Authors: Sally Morgan, Ambelin, Blaze and Ezekiel Kwaymullina
Illustrator: Peter Sheehan
Publisher: Little Hare, $14.95 RRP
Publication Date: May 2011
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9781921714047
For ages: 7+
Type: Novel

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