
Friday, 10 June 2011

Review: 10

Graphic, creative, clever, stylish - all things that perfectly describe Marion Bataille's work. Super Hyper Brilliant Paper Engineer would be another description.

The creator of astonishing pop-up book ABC3D, this super simple, stark but mesmerising book features just 10 pages in pure black and white. As the reader turns each page, we count upwards through 10, but if we lift the flap on each page, we realise we are also counting backwards.

01 becomes 10.

2 becomes 9.

3 magically becomes 8.

I mean - how did Bataille think of this? It's actually quite astounding how readily the digits visually superimpose onto each other in a completely manual, pop-up way, giving little minds as well as slighly bigger minds something to seriously ponder.

This classic book, published by the Tate Gallery in London, will have children mesmerised... and adults struggling with the eternal gorgeous-book dilemma... keep it pristine or let little hands decimate pages with affectionate attachment.

Solution? Buy two copies.

Title: 10
Author/Illustrator: Marion Bataille
Publisher: Tate Gallery, $29.95 RRP
Publication Date: 1 Dec 2010
Format: Hardcover
ISBN: 9781854379719
For ages: 1+
Type: Pop-Up Book