
Wednesday 31 August 2011

Featured Father: George Ivanoff

Happy father's day, George! 

Who are you?
George Ivanoff

What do you do?
I’m an author, mostly writing books for kids and teens.

How many kids do you have? I have two daughters — Nykita is eight and Alexandra is two and a half.

What kind of Dad are you? The stay-at-home kind. My wife is a full-time graphic designer. So I’m at home with the kids and I work my writing career around their schedules... and believe me, they have much busier social schedules than me!

What do your kids call you? ‘Hey you!’ No, just kidding. Mostly ‘Dad’ or ‘Daddy’. Although my youngest has recently been referring to me as ‘Daddy, my George’.

What do you like most about being a Dad? Spending time with my daughters and watching them grow. It has been a particular joy watching Nykita’s developing interest in reading and writing. She devours books at an astonishing rate. Although Alexandra can’t red yet, she loves being read to and spends ages flipping through the pages of picture books.

What is your favourite book about Dads? Guess How Much I Love You, written by Sam McBratney and illustrated by Anita Jeram.

Can you tell us the name of your latest book? Is it good for Dads?
My latest book is Gamers’ Challenge, a sequel to my teen, sci-fi, computer-gaming, action/adventure novel, Gamers’ Quest. I wrote these books to be the books that I would have loved reading as a 13-year-old. But they’re suitable for 11+. They would be good for Dads to read with their kids... Especially if the kids and and the Dad shared an interest in computer games.

For more on George's work, see