
Saturday 17 September 2011

Interview: Passing It On with Jackie Hosking

KBR is thrilled to welcome Jackie Hosking - writer and publisher of industry newsletter Pass It On - with this insightful interview on all the fabulous, literary things she does.

What exactly is PIO?
PIO or PASS IT ON is an online, weekly, networking e-zine for anyone with an interest in the children’s writing/illustrating industry.

When and why did you conceive PIO?
PIO evolved after Di Bates asked me to take over her voluntary newsletter CAINON back in 2004. The concept was her idea but after 20 weeks she was unable to continue and asked for someone to step in. 

Being a new writer and desperate to gain as much knowledge as possible, I put my hand up. I compiled and published the newsletter on a voluntary basis for 12 months when a subscriber suggested that I should charge a small subscription fee for my time. The fee is still small (each issue costs less than 80 cents).

Are you yourself a writer? Or just a book addict?

What do you write?
My most favourite thing to write is children’s rhyming poetry and stories in verse but I have also published children’s short stories, flash fiction for adults, short stories for adults and also some poems for adults.

What is your working background?
In my twenties I worked in pubs while studying as university. Then I had some children (3), studied some more and moved to the coast where I began short courses in computers and creative writing.

What is your current role?
Currently I have three ‘working’ roles.
  1. The editor of PASS IT ON
  2. An editor of children’s rhyming poetry and stories in verse.
  3. A writer of children’s poems and stories in verse.
I also do my husband’s books and look after three kiddies, okay one’s 19yrs but he still lives at home!

Where do you hope your work will take you?
Wherever it will. So far I’ve travelled to Sydney and NE NSW, all over Victoria attending conferences and book launches. My poems have been published in a number of countries and I even have a couple travelling around on the Melbourne trains.

What is your dream job?
I have my dream job – absolutely.

Name five of your very favourite books.
The Road
Lord of the Rings
Running with Scissors
Vernon God Little
Veronica decides to Die

And five children’s books?
The Hobbit
Alice in Wonderland/Alice through the looking glass
James and the Giant Peach
Pippi Longstocking
Nancy Drew

Which book character is most like you, and why?
Good heavens what a thought. If any book characters were like me I’d imagine that it would be an incredibly boring book! But if I had to answer I’d say Grandma Josephine from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

Which children’s book do you wish you had written?
Harry Potter, of course!

Why do you think industry newsletters are so valuable to readers?
Because they keep the reader up to date with what’s happening in the industry. PIO is a source of competitions, publishing opportunities, questions and answers. It is also specialized in that it focuses on the children’s book industry while other newsletters include information for all genres.

What do you hope PIO gives its readers?
Firstly a sense of belonging and direction. Also the confidence to ask questions about anything related to the industry.

Can people contribute?
Subscribers are encouraged to contribute industry news, opportunities, anything that they think might be of interest. I am constantly on the look out for illustrators and industry professionals to profile and welcome any articles, writing tips, blogs, websites, etc.

What’s next for Jackie Hosking?
At the moment I am completing a writing course with Lorraine Marwood, as it is my dream to one day write a verse novel.

Where can people find out more about PIO newsletters?
They can go to my blog or they can contact me for a free copy of a recent issue.

You don't want to miss your weekly dose of industry insider info with PIO. Thanks for joining us, Jackie!