
Monday 26 September 2011

My Fave Dr Seuss Book: Ursula Dubosarsky

When I turned eight, I was presented by a guest at my birthday party with a copy of Dr Seuss' wonderful adventure in idealism and reality - I Had Trouble in Getting to Solla Sollew - and it has been in my mind (and enriched my life!) ever since. 

As a child, I read it over and over and over again, learning it off by heart, and all through my life I've found myself quoting it, particulaly certain lines that make me smile: 

The Perilous Poozer of Pomplemousse Pass
He waved me a wave that was gentle and kind
I practically almost had given up hope 
When someone up high shouted, "Here, catch the rope!" 

Everything I loved about it as a child continues to charm - the inventive perfect cleverness of the rhyme, the surreal zany landscape, the hapless hero and his encounters with one dodgy deluded character after another, and the way the moral messages are repeatedly undermined, so you can never really come to any conclusion about what has transpired.

What a prodigous and fascinating gift he had - all hail, and all gratitude to Dr Seuss!

Learn more about renowned author Ursula and her incredible work at