
Thursday 22 September 2011

Review: The Fearsome Beastie

In a world seemingly gone topsy-turvy with political correctness, I want to applaud this book. I want to stand up on top of my chair and high five this book. The author lists Roald Dahl as one of his influences with his humourous but sometimes dark work, and I can see that influence dancing across these pages. Love it!

The Fearsome Beastie is written in rhyme and while it keeps you bouncing along with the plot, it will also keep you chuckling, a lot. (see what I did there?)

Fairytales are forever changing and adapting but it is great to see that these sorts of tales are still around ... fresh but with a traditional twist.

The children cower from the Fearsome Beastie after hearing the ghastly noise that wakes up the girls and boys. 


They hear the monster as he travels through the night to the village. The children hide and try not to make a sound, because if they do, they will be found.

Oh no! It's too late! As the children scream and make a fuss, the monster sinks into the snow and begins to weep. "I only wanted us to play, that's why I visit you today."

Well, of course the children feel very bad and come out to see him.

Cut to the very sly monster whose face peeks out from his hands with a monstrous grin ...

As his tears of sadness turn to  ROARS, the beastie gnashes dripping jaws. One by one he eats them all!

But he doesn't notice little Pete who sneaks off to kind old Gran.

Now, I don't want to spoil anything about the ending but I will tell you this ... old Gran CHOPS wood to help her relax.

I read this with the same glee I would have had when I was younger. It is such a delight and you can't help but cheer the heroes and boo and hiss at the villain.

Not to mention the fabulous illustrations!  What an absolute delight. If you are a fan of slightly dark and funny picture books then you must have a look for yourself at this.

You can buy a copy here.

Title: The Fearsome Beastie
Author: Giles Payley-Phillips
Illustrator: Gabriele Antonini
Publisher: Maverick Arts Publishing, $14.99 RRP
Publication Date: May 2011
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9781848860667
For ages: 4+
Type: Picture book