
Sunday 4 September 2011

Review: Sam and His Dad

Sam adores his Dad. He also adores My-Darling-Mummy-Whom-I-Love-To-Bits, but when he grows up, he wants to be just like Dad.

Dad can make all sorts of dress up costumes. He can also draw. He can draw Sam as a wolf with great big teeth. He helps Sam jump across posts and throws him in the air and they have the best play fights (which, of course, Sam always wins).

This delightful book by French author/illustrator Bloch is a gorgeous slice-of-life look at a typical family and their idiosyncrasies – and therein lies the charm. The fact that Sam’s little brother frequently wrecks his buildings. That his dad calls him a little monkey. That one day he might just capture a pigeon from the park and cook it! Oh, and that he prefers to be called Supersam.

Loving the quirky, very French illustrations of this gorgeous lad and his family – with a focus on Sam’s wonderful dad and the valued pieces of the puzzle dads contribute to the family so well.

Beautifully designed and bound, this is yet another Wilkins Farago book destined to be a keeper.

Title: Sam and His Dad
Author/Illustrator: Serge Bloch
Publisher: Wilkins Farago, $27.99 RRP
Publication Date: July 2011
Format: Hard cover
ISBN: 9780980607086
For ages: 4 - 8
Type: Picture Book