
Sunday 2 October 2011

My Fave Dr Seuss Book: Jacqueline Harvey

This week we have farewelled another group of intrepid Year 12 students – and at final assembly, two staff members chose to read excerpts from my favourite Dr Seuss story, Oh the Places You’ll Go! as part of their message to the girls.

It’s nostalgic for so many, having read it or had it read to them as young children, but of course now as young adults the students can perhaps more fully appreciate Dr Seuss’s humorous life lesson.

With his trademark rhythm and rhyme, ‘You have brains in your head and feet in your shoes, you can steer yourself any direction you choose,’ I can’t imagine there is a children’s book more suited to sharing with those who are at a pivotal point on their life journey.

And while the sentiment of the story is overwhelmingly positive I simply adore the lines, ‘Except when you don’t. Because sometimes you won’t.’

The whole idea that life doesn’t always go the way you plan is executed brilliantly and I admire Dr Seuss’s wisdom on waiting – or not, and being on your own.

As a child, I loved the magic of Dr Seuss – his way with words and all that fun. But as an adult and an author, I marvel at his cleverness and the beauty of his language. I think perhaps it would do us all a power of good to re-read Oh the Places You’ll Go! at least once a year! Certainly it’s an inspiring story that has indeed stood the test of time.

‘You're off the Great Places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting. So...get on your way!’

Learn more about Jacquie and her beautiful books at