
Saturday 26 November 2011

Guest Post: Creative Kids Tales

KBR warmly welcomes Georgie Donaghey, who is poised to launch a new children's literature initiative - Creative Kids Tales. Here she tells us about her inspiration behind this brand new platform for emerging authors, illustrators and kids.

I am an emerging writer – nothing on the shop bookshelf yet but my shelf at home is filled with crumpled manuscripts and bulging notepads. Characters that are waiting to jump from my shelves and into your families’ hearts.

I was looking for somewhere to display my work with other unpublished or ‘emerging writers’ as I like to call them, and couldn’t find anything suitable. Consequently Creative Kids Tales was born.

Yes, I heard my friends say: ‘You have three children, a daughter aged 8 months, another daughter aged 5 years and a 13 year old son, a hubby, a dog, two budgies and a cockatiel. And don’t forget your daughter’s invisible elephant that lives on the roof. You’re MAD!'

Thankfully I chose to ignore them and persevered. I am happy to say thanks to my wonderful hubby, Creative Kids Tales will be launched on 30 November 2011.

Sleep is very overrated in my household. As a famous actor once said ‘I will sleep when I’m dead’. I live by that motto - just ask the rather large bags under my eyes! Anyway that’s, enough waffling . . . here is the useful information I put together about Creative Kids Tales.

Creative Kids Tales aims to bring together emerging children’s authors who love to write short stories, children’s poems or chapter books. With a wide variety under the one site, we hope to offer publishers, agents and manuscript services a smorgasbord of talent just waiting to be sampled.

Providing tips, contacts, competition information - we offer everything a children’s writer might need on their journey. Sorry, but we do not cater for children’s entries; you must be aged between 18 – 110 to submit work for inclusion on our website.

Each month we’ll also feature an interview with an established author just so our members can see that dreams do come true. We’ve had fun interviewing some of this country’s more colourful children’s authors. We are an Aussie site and only cater for Aussie writers.

We have a links page for professionals to advertise their services to children’s writers. At the moment we are offering free advertising for the first six months that our website is running. There’s also a competitions page for quick and easy reference for our members. We hope to be able to provide useful hints and advice on our ‘tips’ page.

That’s pretty much what we can offer. As I said membership is FREE! Advertising is FREE!

If you are an ‘emerging’ children’s author who writes for kids from 0 – 18 years, then drop us an email. We would love to display your short story, poem or up to 500 words from your novel.

Send us your submission along with a photo of yourself and a 50 word bio for inclusion on our website. If you want to advertise your services for children’s writers whether it is a competition, course, manuscript service or other in that field, please email us at

We look forward to welcoming you to the Creative Kids Tales family and reading your exciting adventures!