
Thursday 2 February 2012

NYR12 news: Charity Partners

One of NYR12's campaigns key ideas for 2012 is to support the work already being done in Australia to support reading and writing, and in particular by those organisations working in some of the country's remotest territories and communities. The following organisations are working in conjunction with NYR12 to improve literacy, and so improve people's lives.

The Indigenous Literacy Foundation aims to raise literacy levels and improve the lives and opportunities of Indigenous Australians living in remote and isolated regions. This is done by providing books and literacy resources to Indigenous communities and raising broad community awareness of Indigenous literacy issues. Visit the website to learn more about the wonderful programmes and events they have planned during 2012.

The Smith Family is a national, independent children's charity helping disadvantaged Australians get the most from their education. The organisation's work in 95 Australian communities is extended and enhanced by the 20,000 VIEW Clubs members, along with nearly 6,800 community and corporate partners and volunteers. Visit the website to get involved.

The Australian Literacy and Numeracy Foundation (ALNF) is dedicated to raising language, literacy and numeracy standards in Australia, and raises funds to develop, implement and sustain innovative projects for individuals, families and communities. Their Share a Book program perfectly complements the National Year of Reading. Find out more here