
Monday, 23 April 2012

events: at Three Four Knock on the Door

Three Four Knock on the Door have some upcoming events both you and the kids will absolutely love, with both local and international talent. Places fill up quickly, so be sure to RSVP! Check the website for more details.

Australian Story – an illustrated timeline (free)

Saturday 28th April @ 11am

The lovely and effervescent Tania McCartney will visit the shop once again to share her beautiful new book with us. Tania will be reading her new book Australian Story – an illustrated timeline, followed by treats, goodie bags, activities and a book signing.

Dragon Keeper with Carole Wilkinson (free)

Saturday 12th May @ 11am

Carole will be joining us to read a chapter from the fourth book in the Dragon Keeper Series.

While you enjoy snack and juice, Carole will answer any questions that you have an will happily sign copies of her latest release.

Sally Rippin @ Three Four (free)

Saturday 19th May @ 11am

Come and meet the author of Billie B Brown and the new Hey Jack series.

Sally will read a chapter from one of her latest books, followed by activities , treats and juice. Sally will end the morning with a book signing.

International Author Davide Cali (free)

Monday 21st May @ 4:30pm

Celebrated international author Davide Cali is doing a whirlwind tour and we are lucky enough that he will be joining us.

He will read from his latest book 10 Little Insects, a fantastic play on an Agatha Christie classic. Davide will sign copies of his books and answer any questions that you have.

This event is aimed at children and teachers alike.

Story Time (free)

And don't miss TFKOTD's fabulous weekly story time sessions, Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays @ 10am (bookings also required).

Three Four Knock on the Door
46 Nott Street, Port Melbourne, tel: 03-9645 2058