
Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Review: Too Many Elephants in This House

I would like to begin today's review with a shout out to all the end paper lovers out there. You know who you are. The ones who can't help but emit a sound of joy that usually comes out like a squeak or a higher pitched 'Awwww' which of course never represents the cool appreciation you wish to show. Yes you. You need to set your peepers on these end pages. Stat.

Look out, elephants about! And they are taking up a whole lot of space at Eric's place, as only elephants can.

So when Eric's Mum says they have to go, Eric must come up with clever, clever ways to solve his problem as he loves every one of his elephants and could never be without them.

You see, there was an elephant in the living room who helps him build towers, the elephant in the kitchen was quite good at making toast, the hallway elephant was a boss at playing hide-and-seek, the bathroom elephant reminds him to brush his teeth AND there is even in an elephant in Eric's bedroom. Often a whole HERD of elephants actually, who would sing him to sleep at night.

But it did not matter if they were useful or even fun. Eric's Mum could not move for all of the elephants in the house.

What will Eric do?

The illustrations in this book are an absolute joy. ABSOLUTE JOY. Think about what that feeling is. That is what the pictures will make you feel. The story is so much fun to read and dare I say, even more fun to read aloud. Make sure you set this one next to your child's bed for a fun night time read.

I am in love with Eric and his elephants. This story has captured my imagination and it will capture yours too.

If I was rating this out of high fives, I would rate it 5 out of 5 high fives.

Title: Too Many Elephants in This House
Author: Ursula Dubosarsky
Illustrator: Andrew Joyner
Publisher: Penguin Australia, $24.95 RRP
Publication Date: July 2012
Format: Hardback
ISBN: 9780670075461
For ages: 3+
Type: Picture Book