
Monday, 23 July 2012

Review: The Magnificent Tree

Nick Bland and Stephen Michael King in one spot? Are you hopping up and down like I am?

Bonny and Pop are really good at making things together. Bonny likes to do things simply and properly. She likes to think logically.

Pop, on the other hand, is a fandangled thinker. He likes to think big and brave and bold and even slightly kooky.

Together, they really are a formidable team.

One day, Pop and Bonny decide they need a tree to attract birds. So Pop gets to brainstorming and planning and whirlygigging. He thinks BIG.

Bonny finds a solution that fits in the palm of her hand.

This gorgeously sweet and striking story is every bit as Nick-Bland-wonderful as you may presume it would be. Its illustrations are equally rewarding - combining Seussy swatches of colour, divinely whimsy-driven characters and the joy and humour that is Stephen Michael King. That Pop-created tree is quite something to behold.

A must-have for anyone who enjoys smiling. 

Want to win your own copy of this stunning book? Enter our comp now!

Title: The Magnificent Tree
Author: Nick Bland
Illustrator: Stephen Michael King
Publisher: Scholastic, $24.95 RRP
Publication Date: 1 July 2012
Format: Hardcover
ISBN: 9781742832951
For ages: 
Type: Picture Book