
Tuesday 9 October 2012

12 Curly Questions with author Gail Renard

1. Tell us something hardly anyone knows about you. 
My middle name is Arlene but it’s not my fault.

2. What is your nickname? 
At school, for a reason I’ll never fathom, I was called Devere. Actually the reason is I started it.

3. What is your greatest fear? 
I’m not keen on heights but then I went on the London Eye and it was so spectacular, I forgot!

4. Describe your writing style in ten words. 
Have something to say, say it and shut up. Please.

5. Tell us five positive words that describe you as a writer. 
Funny, optimistic, fast-paced, storyteller.

6. What book character would you be, and why? 
I’m happy being me in my own book, Give Me A Chance. It was a dream come true.

7. If you could time travel, what year would you go to and why? 
The Summer of Love in 1967 was glorious, happy and the sun shone all the time. Then again, Britain just had another Summer Of Love this year with the Jubilee, Olympics and Paralympics so I’ll stick!

8. What would your ten-year-old self say to you now? 
It’s going to be all right. All the things that you think make you different will make you the person you become and valued.

9. Who is your greatest influence? 
John Lennon. And my family.

10. What/who made you start writing? 
I’d started writing when I was 11 but I didn’t really show anyone. But when I was 16, John Lennon took my wanting to be a writer seriously, so I did too.

11. What is your favourite word and why? 
Serendipity. Such a happy word and it’s lovely when it happens.

12. If you could only read one book for the rest of your life, what would it be? 
Oh only one book? Torture! But I’d choose The Complete Works of Dickens. Or is that cheating?

Give Me a Chance is out in all good bookstores NOW!

If you are an author or illustrator who thinks they are BRAVE enough to answer our questions, 
OR if there is an author or illustrator you would like to hear from, LET US KNOW! 
We will see if they are up to the task. Just email: kellyATkids-bookreviewDOTcom