
Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Review: Dragons Love Tacos

Did you know what dragons like parties? Did you know they also love tacos?

What can I say? If you know of a boy between two and five, I guarantee you this book will be a hit. My son, who is almost three, loves this book as do all of his friends.

In addition to being a bedtime favourite for weeks now, this book is the most requested story anytime little friends visit our house and anytime we pack books for a road trip.

Maybe it’s a little boy dragon thing, maybe it’s because Mexican food is a staple dinner at out house. This hilarious story about taco-loving dragons is a huge success and a great fun to read each time.

Both my son and I love the pencil and watercolour illustrations and quirky characteristics of the dragons. The story is very original and creative and has lead to many mealtime occasions when the kids blow fire like dragons if the dinner is a little too spicy.

So, next time you are thinking about inviting dragons over for a party, make sure you have plenty of tacos, but - for the sake of the house - hide the hot salsa.

- this review by Iza

Title: Dragons Love Tacos
Author: Adam Rubin
Illustrator: Daniel Salmieri
Publisher: Dial $19.95 RRP
Format: Hard cover
ISBN: 9780803736801
For ages: 3+ 
Type: Picture Book