
Thursday, 31 January 2013

Review: My Secret Scrapbook Diary: Three Little Pigs

I mean, who wouldn’t want to take a peek into the secret world of the Three Little Pigs? So tempting! And we get to do just that in this delightful multimedia book.

Written diary-style and featuring pop-ups, flip-outs and a combination of illustrations, photographs and ephemera images, this beautifully-designed book is lots of fun to meander through.

Loving the typesetting and layout, using typeface that looks hand-written. The text is moderately lengthy but page count is short, allowing lots to be packed into the pages.

Kids will enjoy peeking at an official agreement between the pigs (whoever builds the strongest house is the winner), at newspaper clippings about attempted house-blowings by a certain Mr Wolf and even a police report form, outlining an incident between a stick-house-building pig and the aforementioned Mr Wolf.

A hard cover and strong pages make this book ideal for younger kids wanting to explore more text – and the pop up of the big bag wolf hopping quick smart out of that boiling pot is hilarious.

Good fun.

Title: My Secret Scrapbook Diary: Three Little Pigs
Author/Illustrator: Kees Moerbeek
Publisher: Child's Play, $17.95 RRP
Publication Date: 1 December 2011
Format: Hard cover
ISBN: 9781846434488
For ages: 4 - 8
Type: Picture Book, Pop-Up