
Thursday, 24 January 2013

Review: Not a Box

Every now and then a unique and quirky book comes along that is absolutely worthy of its hype, and Not a Box is one. Even its title is worth the New York Times Bestseller hype.

We all know less is more - yet this concept only really shines when it's done impeccably. With recycled brown paper, white and rich yellow pages - and super slick red. yellow and black line drawings, the look of this book is indeed impeccable.

It's out-of-the-box good.

Even the tense is out of the box. Told in the second person, me meet a wee rabbit who is sitting in a box. Why is he sitting in a box? Well, the narrator asks him. And what does the rabbit say? He says:

"It's not a box."

And off he drives in his sports car.

When the narrator catches the rabbit standing on top of the box, he again asks why. And what does rabbit say?

"It's not a box."

And there he is, standing on the tippety top of his very own mountain.

So on goes this adorable book, which takes the concept of a plain brown box, dips it in a child's imagination, and comes out rainbow-coloured.

Check out Antoinette's cool website for more.

Title: Not a Box
Author/Illustrator: Antoinette Portis
Publisher: HarperCollins, $20.95 RRP
Publication Date: 1 March 2007
Format: Hard cover
ISBN: 9780061123221
For ages: 2 - 10
Type: Picture Book