
Sunday, 17 February 2013

News: The National Year of Reading Lives On

KBR was truly thrilled to partner with the National Year of Reading in 2012. It was an incredible year for books and reading, with a slew of huge literary events and many inroads and many insights and advances in literacy in Australia.

During 2012, the National Year of Reading saw 4,000 events, more than 200,000 participants, $26 million worth of media coverage, $5.6 million worth of in kind support and a return on investment at a conservative estimate of $18 for every dollar invested in the campaign.

We loved it so much, we didn't want it to end! And it hasn't.

We're thrilled to report that Love2Read will continue on, nurtured by Libraries all over Australia. In 2013, the focus will be on The Reading Hour which takes place on Saturday 24 August. Events will take place the entire day and the week beforehand in libraries, schools, bookshops, festivals and other community venues.

Do check out the revamped Love2Read website for more info on the results of last year, as well as all the fabulous literary plans they have in store for 2013. There's so much going on - and you can also be involved! Stay tuned to KBR for news on The Reading Hour, later in the year.