
Thursday, 7 February 2013

Read to My Child - Riley and the Dancing Lion

When we first heard about Jasmine Berry and her sensational new website, our hearts fluttered. Jasmine has created a truly heartwarming site called Read to My Child - a site dedicated to book readings for young kids. Jasmine's philosophy can be outlined in her own words:

". . . I wanted a site where my children could be read to by an actual person, with no animation, in as natural a way as possible. I wanted to create the feel that my kids were not just watching another show on a screen but rather being read to by a real person, holding a real book, with real pages . . ."

Jasmine says her site in no way replaces parents reading to their children but is another option (as opposed to TV or electronic games) when parents need a few moments to themselves. I simply love this idea - and what a thrill it was to see Jasmine read one of my own books Riley and the Dancing Lion on her site. It's so wonderful hearing someone other than myself read the story! You can listen to the reading here

You'll also find many more fabulous readings on the site, and Jasmine is working hard at adding more recordings in the coming months, so make sure you check back often.

- Tania McCartney, KBR Founder