
Friday, 15 February 2013

Review: Old Tom's Big Book of Beauty

Leigh Hobbs’ work is always welcomed with open arms. Profound messages filter through his outrageously entertaining illustrations that at times say more than the text.

Old Tom is trying to please his beloved Angela Throgmorton by adhering to the instructions in the Big Book of Beauty she bought for him. Angela loves Old Tom, but she thinks there might be a little room for improvement.  He reads the book thoroughly and tries out all the suggestions.  He shampoos and blow-waves, brushes and gargles. He appears to be changing into the person he thinks she wants him to be.

It’s not only his appearance that is changing. He is attending tea parties, beauty shops, operas and the races. Angela has to phone to make an appointment with him as he is so seldom at home.

Things have gone to his head! He begins imposing himself on people and at places where he shouldn’t, and things are turning ugly.

He learns his lesson, and so does Angela Throgmorton. She realises she has tried to make Old Tom become something he isn’t, instead of realising he was perfect just the way he was.

- Reviewed by Anastasia Gonis

Title:  Old Tom's Big Book of Beauty
Author/Illustrator: Leigh Hobbs
Publisher: Allen & Unwin, $14.99 RRP
Publication Date: January 2013
Format:  Softcover
ISBN:  9781743314142
For ages:  3 - 5 years
Type: Picture book