In the past couple of months, the Indigenous Literacy Foundation has traveled by plane, troupee and light aircraft, clocking up nearly 20,000 kilometres in field trips across Australia. During this period, we visited Warburton in Ngaanyatjarra Lands in WA, Yakanarra in the Kimberleys in WA and schools, service organisations and communities in Broken Hill, Wilcannia and Menindee in NSW and Alice Springs in NT.
The time spent in each of these communities is short but very precious. Most dawns, we’re up to be part of playgroup or to yarn with local teachers and principals, community members and elders before the day launches into school or a series of meetings.
In our Book Buzz communities, where our early literacy packs are changing the culture of literacy, it's interesting to note how each community has taken the same Buzz resources but introduced them differently, to suit each of their needs. It’s been a special time travelling out with Tina Raye, our new Program Manager, and in Warburton with Suzy Wilson, our Founder. You can read more about these trips on our website.
With April well underway, we’re hoping to engage more schools for the Great Book Swap and to confirm our activities for Indigenous Literacy Day on September 4. Please register and be part of a fundraiser to help us raise awareness and important funds. Note the terrific school kit (with Teachers notes and resources) that is now available to all schools that participate.
As the end of this financial year rapidly approaches, we encourage businesses and individuals to make a tax-deductible donation and be part of our Foundation’s efforts to make a difference. We have $560,000 more funds to raise in 2013.
- Karen Williams, Executive Director, ILF