
Saturday, 29 June 2013

Event: School Holiday Activities at The Children's Bookshop

In Term 2, 2013 New South Wales school holidays, The Children's Bookshop in Beecroft, Sydney, are pleased to announce a range of events including visiting authors and artists, reading and writing workshops.

Writing with Deborah Abela 

Calling all future writers! We are very excited to announce that author Deborah Abela will be leading a writing workshop in July for students in Years 3-6 at The Children’s Bookshop as our Writer in Residence.

Participants in this workshops will be exploring the writing process, focusing on creating charismatic characters and sensational settings!

Activities will be hands-on and fun! For students in years 3 to 6.

When? Thursday July 11, 9 - 12:30pm

Creating Spooky Houses with Sarah Davis

In this hands-on workshop, students will make a paper diorama of a haunted house with Sarah Davis, illustrator of "Sounds Spooky". Students will design character cutouts and set up and photograph little dioramas with spooky lighting! Students will go home with a photo print, and their house and characters. Very cool! For children in grades 3 to 6.

When? Tuesday July 9th, 9 - 12:30pm

Cost? $50 per student. All materials provided. Book early!

Last Minute Trials Revisions

Just before the HSC Trials commence… students will enjoy the opportunity for a quick revision of the English HSC Papers (Paper 1 and 2), reviewing the Area of Study and reviewing strategies for approaching Modules A-C. This Revision morning will focus on the Advanced Course and hand-outs are provided. For advanced students.

When? Monday July 8th, 9 to 1pm

Cost? $50 per student

Let's Go to the Circus

Children in this workshop will share the stories and adventures of the world of the Circus, enjoying craft and art activities based around this theme. And there is a prize for the best dressed Circus participant!

Workshop leader Jocelyn Shute is a talented Infants Teacher and a great friend of The Children’s Bookshop. For children aged 5 to 7.

When? Wednesday, July 10th , 9 to 11am

Cost? $30 per student. All materials provided. Book early!

Enquire at The Children’s Bookshop, 6 Hannah Street, Beecroft
tel: 02-9481 8811 or