
Sunday, 23 June 2013

Review: Toocool Series #5

Now in its fifth series, Toocool, presents five entirely new books to add to the collection featuring the ever-lovable character, Toocool, and his comrades Spike, Wong, Marcy, Bella and Bad Billy Brown. Resting as an almost brother companion to the Marcy series, these stories are not only perfect for the young boy readers, but with the cross over of characters between the Marcy and Toocool series, these are just as fitting for the girls and Marcy fans.

Written in the first person from Toocool’s perspective, the five books cover a range of topics and adventures. There are big bash 20/20 cricket matches that show Toocool and Marcy’s ingenious thinking skills and sense of humour. There are summer stays on Uncle Buck’s farm that see Spike and Toocool become little jackaroos to round up the cattle and help baby calves.

There’s the teaming up of Spike, Marcy and Bella to build a jet ski that will rule Duck Lake for the big race. There’s a revealing interview with Toocool that will have readers intrigued by his thoughts on his dog, Marcy and his sporting skills and of course, there are pirate adventures and treasure maps in cereal boxes.

Each book is wild with imagination and there are plenty of new and exciting experiences, vocabulary and predictions that will keep readers, aged seven and above, entirely engaged. There are lots of little bonuses, too, such as the clever and creative hand drawings of Tom Jellett – all sketched in black and white and beautifully capturing little snippets of the Toocool’s tales. His drawing style is captivating and the sketches perfectly placed within the texts.

Just as good are the ‘Toocool Jokes’ and ‘Glossary’ at the back of each book. Even I chuckled at one of the jokes: “Q: What did the ground say to the earthquake? A: You crack me up!”

Toocool, if it isn’t already, will become a quick favourite without a doubt and will also double as the perfect set to keep in the classroom library or school library as they are engaging, accessible and loads of fun! TooCool series #5 and Marcy series #2 are available together in a 10 book boxset ($89.95 RRP).

Reviewed by Francine Sculli. Francine regularly reviews for Buzz Words Books.

Title:  Toocool Series #5
The Big Bash - ISBN 9781921665783
Pirates - ISBN 9781921665790
The Interview - ISBN 9781921665806
Round 'Em Up - ISBN 9781921665769
The Race - 9781921665776
Author: Phil Kettle
Illustrator: Tom Jellett
Publisher: Ford Street Publishing, $9.95 RRP (each)
Publication Date: March 2013
 Format: Softcover
ISBN: (see above)
For ages: 7+
Type: Junior Fiction