
Tuesday 11 June 2013

Tania's Picks: I'm Bored

I've said before on KBR that I take books touted as 'funny' with a grain of salt. I mean, most are funny - but only harrumph funny. When something openly promises humour, I must admit I want bwah-ha funny.

I'm Bored is bwah-ha funny. Well, it is to me, anyway.

Totally judging a book by its cover, I was sucked into this picture book by the striking cover art by Debbie Ridpath Ohi. Debbie was the founder and editor-in-chief of one of the first online communities for writers, Inkspot. She is also the author of The Writer's Online Marketplace (Writer's Digest Books, 2001) and is a very clever creator of fantastic illustration.

Being one for retro-inspired illustrations and typesetting, I couldn't resist buying I'm Bored sight unseen, and the interior is just as special as I knew it would be.

Our little heroine is bored. Bored bored bored bored bored. When she comes across a talking potato, it assures her that no one could be more bored than he. In fact, he thinks kids are the most boring of all bored-inducing things.

Miffed, our little firecracker sets about proving him wrong. Can she convinced the bored potato that kids are nothing to be bored about?

Author Michael Ian Black has create a galloping, consistently harrumphing storyline with a truly bwah-ha ending that will delight kids both big and little. I simply adore the dry humour and creativity of this book, making it the Entire Picture Book Package.

Also available in French.

Pay a visit to Debbie Ohi's website and see how I'm Bored was created. Click on the icon below.

(I'm Bored, Simon & Schuster, $19.99, 19781442414037)