
Thursday 11 July 2013

Event: Horrible Histories Stage Show

On 5th July 2013, I took my daughter Ruby and her two best friends (all 8-years-old) to see Horrible Histories: Awful Egyptians at the Sydney Opera House.  This is an amazing two-hour show featuring some fabulous 3D technology.  It’s a fun rollick through Egyptian history with lots of funny jokes and tons of costume changes.  I was concerned that it was going to be a little bit lame in parts, but I was entertained the whole time and we all really enjoyed this show all the way through.

Unlike the TV show, which contains lots of facts and silly sketches, the live show is a full story. It’s about Professor Storey, a famous explorer and his side-kick assistant Bill who turns up at a museum to steal a statue of Ramses II. They also bump into a schoolgirl called Maisie (my daughter and her friends like her the best as she did lots of silly faces and dances).  By attempting to steal the statue they awaken the ancient Pharaoh Ramses II and they are all transported back in time where there are lots of questions and arguments about how great Egypt was (or wasn’t).

Even though it’s a really fun and entertaining show, there were also plenty of facts about Ancient Egypt that were very educational.  All the facts were easy to understand, even if you didn’t know anything about the history of Egypt.

The singing was a little bit preschool-ish I thought, but my daughter and her friends seemed to enjoy it and did all the hand gestures and the jumping out of the chair dance.
In the second half we had to wear ‘bogglevision’ glasses for the 3D effect.  This was great fun as we had rocks, mummies and scarab beetles flying towards us.  The audience were all squealing and ducking for cover – but it wasn’t overly scary… more funny! 

There are a couple of really funny bits, one was when the mummy goes into the afterlife and has to do lots of silly tests and the audience gets to join in.  I also liked it when Isis was collecting the dead body pieces of her husband Osiris, who had been chopped up and becomes the first mummy.  Lots of arms and legs being chucked all over the stage.

After the show we were invited back stage by the director/actor Neal Foster to come and see all the props and come out on stage. Iwas hoping to meet the other actors but they had popped off for lunch, much to our disappointment.  
The show will now be an annual event and will come back to the Sydney Opera House next year. I can’t wait to see which show they do next time.  The current show will wrap after the school holidays and head down to Melbourne. 

I highly recommend the show - it’s aimed at kids about 7 years plus and is perfect for those who already enjoy the books or TV series or kids that don’t mind a bit of blood and gore with their history lessons!!! 

Perfect for girls and boys. Rating 9/10.

This review by Sarah Hatton, publicist for Scholastic Australia.

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