
Thursday 29 August 2013

Event: Showcase: Second Annual Festival of Australian Children's Literature

The University of Canberra in parnership with the Lu Rees Archives, Libraries ACT and the Children's Book Council of Australia, will host Showcase: The 2nd Annual Canberra Festival of Australian Children's Literature, which will celebrate the writers, illustrators and publishers of children's books directly connected with Canberra and District for the past 100 years, and explore developments that could impact the future, such as children's e-books.

The 2013 Festival objective are to:
  • Explore the wide range of imaginative work for children created by Canberra and District authors, illustrators and publishers
  • Promote the work of local children's authors and illustrators to inspire Canberra school, TAFE and university students through talks, books signings and related events
  • Connect local authors and illustrators to each other, their community, and their communities of interest
  • Explore the imaginative process of local creators through original artwork, papers and manuscripts on exhibition
  • Showcase the unique Lu Rees Archive resources about local writers, illustrators and publishers available to students, researchers and teachers in Canberra
  • Profile the outstanding alumni of the University of Canberra

The Festival will include a panel event addressing the topic 'Who do we write for - who are our readers?' where prominent authors are interviewed by their avid readers.

See more here and check out the fabulous line-up of talent by clicking on the image below.