
Saturday 24 August 2013

News: A new interactive online experience for new readers

Penguin Group (Australia) and Felice Arena have unveiled a new interactive and immersive online experience for children, with the launch of

This innovative website, designed around Felice Arena’s Andy Roid series of books, is an exciting new publishing approach, designed to extend the reading experience for children online.

Best described as an interactive online comic book adventure, Andy Roid HQ brings the 10-book series to life with 3-D style parallax animation, colour graphics and synchronised sound effects.

Sally Bateman, Marketing and Digital Director, Penguin Group (Australia) says the website offers an online reading experience to engage young readers beyond the pages of the Andy Roid series in an entertaining and exciting way, combining old-fashioned, comic book adventure with cutting edge technology that is fast and fun, yet stays true to the series.

Felice Arena, creator of Andy Roid, says he had enormous fun working on content for the site. "Anyone who gets to write for a living is very blessed and it’s been it's an absolute bonus to be able to see my characters spring to life beyond the printed page.” features an exclusive new story, Andy Roid and the Jungle of Combat, displayed in a choice of modes which the user interacts with by choosing a multiple choice answer at cliffhanging moments to help Andy defeat his enemies.

Featuring artwork by Chad McCown, includes covers, blurbs and sample chapters for each Andy Roid title. Kids can also insert their own photograph into various action scenes, create their own Secret Agent ID card, and download amazing wallpaper artwork and character face masks to print and wear.