
Saturday 7 September 2013

Event: Faber Academy Courses

WRITING FOR CHILDREN (Sydney) - 2 month course starts 2 October, with Libby Gleeson + guests James Roy, Tohby Riddle & Anna McFarlane

This course is suitable for writers of all levels of experience who wish to write for children and young adults. At the end of the course, participants will have a thorough understanding of the children's publishing industry. They will also have a substantially worked draft of a novel or picture book.

Faber Academy has two courses starting in October for people who want to write books for children and young adults. The Academy's award-winning course directors, guest editors, illustrators and publishers are some of the best available in the world of children's book publishing.

For more information, click here.

GETTING PUBLISHED AS A WRITER FOR CHILDREN (Melbourne) - 1 day workshop 26 October, with Eva Mills + guests Lili Wilkinson & Ann James

This 1-day workshop offers new writers for children an understanding of what goes on inside a publishing house, how publishers make their choices, how to give themselves the best chance of publication and what to expect from the publishing process. It also provides an opportunity to discuss the author-publisher relationship with an experienced author and illustrator.

For more information, click here.

WRITING FOR CHILDREN (Melbourne) - a 3 month course with Sally Rippin and Martine Murray will run again in 2014. Study creative writing with the people who understand what a writer needs, right in the epicentre of publishing.

For more information, visit or telephone 02 8425 0171