
Wednesday 4 September 2013

ILF Event: Get Caught Reading!

When did you first Get Caught Reading?

Books are magical things. They help us learn, escape to new worlds, and most importantly show us the opportunities that life can offer. Unfortunately, not everyone has the same access to books. In many of the remote Indigenous communities across Australia there simply aren't enough books so kids miss out. In fact, figures from the ABS show only 36% of people in remote communities even have access to a library.

But, for as little as $5 you can help change all that.

Just a small donation can help get books to kids in remote Indigenous communities.

All you need to do is:

1. Take a photo of yourself with a book you love.

2. Share it with us by uploading it along with a donation of $5 or more.

3. Tell your friends. Spread the word by sharing your photo on Facebook or Twitter, with the hashtag #getcaughtreading

Reading opens doors. Get caught reading and give kids in remote parts of Australia the opportunity of books too.

Got more books to share? Share your photos with us on our Facebook page, and tell us about the difference it made to you, we love hearing from you!

Don’t forget to include the hashtag #getcaughtreading to help us spread the word.

See here for more.