
Monday 23 September 2013

Review: Bella's Bad Hair Day

Bella's hair is looking a tad shoddy. Gone are the days when her hair was soft and flowing as her summer dress. Or as shiny as a shampoo commercial. Now, her hairy head tangle is being admired by Urrgh the caveman and his woolly mammoth, who thinks Bella's hair is quite becoming.

Getting the picture?

But how did it get this way? Could it be that Bella's parents are too busy whipping up artistic creations or banging out Beethoven on the baby grand, to be bothered combing the young lass's hair?

Bella is beside herself. It's going to be a horrible, horrific day if she can't get a hold on her horrendous hairdo.

This gorgeous book, from one of our best author/illustrators, is a humorous take on the classic kid-hair-tangle.

Punchy, vibrant, swirling illustrations, with highly imaginative pop-ins from crazy characters like a nest-seeking bird, a sports-car-driving superhero and some goth-inspired social set darlings, provide plenty of action as Bella attempts to obtain a breathtakingly beautiful bouffant.

Title: Bella's Bad Hair Day
Author/Illustrator: Stephen Michael King
Publisher: Allen & Unwin, $24.99 RRP
Publication Date: September 2013
Format: Hard cover
ISBN: 9781743313619
For ages: 4 - 8
Type: Picture Book