
Thursday 12 September 2013

Review: Dinosaur Kisses

Dinah is newly hatched, fresh out of her egg, and all she wants to do is explore. She tries out a STOMP! And then a CHOMP! But then she sees a kiss. And wants to try that out too … Oh dear!

It seems this little dinosaur might have a few problems when it comes to kissing. She WHOMPS a rather traumatised fish creature, CHOMPS a peacefully grazing dinosaur, and STOMPS (completely flattening!) another little animal.

'Whoops!' says Dinah.

So she tries squeezing just her lips together and ever so gently leaning in … but still ends up eating her target rather than kissing it!

Then another egg hatches. Now Dinah has another little dinosaur to practise kissing with. There's more CHOMPing and STOMPing, until finally … WHOMP! The two baby dinosaurs smack heads with an almighty crash and fall around giggling!

This is a delightful book for the very young. With big, bold illustrations and just a few words on each page, there's plenty of opportunity for adults reading aloud to let rip with some enthusiastic sound effects. Toddlers are sure to love it!

Title: Dinosaur Kisses
Author/Illustrator: David Ezra Stein
Publisher: Candlewick Press, $24.95 RRP
Publication Date: August 2013
Format: Hardcover
ISBN: 9780763661045
For ages: 0+
Type: Picture Book