
Sunday, 13 October 2013

Dinosaurs Love Cheese! Jackie French and Nina Rycroft at Civic Library

The kids and I had a lovely afternoon last week, visiting Civic Library and listening to the superlative Jackie French talk about her gorgeous picture book Dinosaurs Love Cheese. The event was part of the Festival of Australian Children's literature, running in Canberra until 15 November.

Illustrator Nina Rycroft also spoke about her illustration process, and it was such a treat to have a sneak peek at her original drafts, and to see an entire double page spread come to life--from first sketch to final--via a stop motion video.

Jackie and Nina were in town to celebrate of the opening of a superb exhibition, curated by Sara Rapp, on Dinosaurs Love Cheese--which features dozens upon dozens of original drafts and in-process drawings, as well as final images.

The exhibition also features books by both creators, and fun activities for the kids, presented in a beautiful atmosphere on the mezzanine level at Civic Library, Canberra.

Belle Alderman, Director of the Festival, opens proceedings

Jackie delights us with her words

CBCA National President Angela Briant officially opens the exhibition

illustrator Nina Rycroft treats us to her work

Nina and Jackie

Do drop by before 30 October, if you can, to see this superb curation of work, and check out the upcoming Festival events, continuing on until 15 November ... more info below.

- Tania McCartney

See more here. #showcasefest