
Thursday 3 October 2013

Review: Wombat Goes to School

A wombat going to school? Why not? Do you honestly expect them to do nothing but sleep, scratch and eat grass all day? Wombats are clever creatures, so school is a natural progression.

And they also like carrots.

Mothball finds himself at the end of a tunnel leading straight to the local school. Mmm—the smell of carrots. Delicious carrots. Oops, no, not carrots—an orange-socked leg on the soccer pitch.

Now it’s the smell of soft green grass. Mmm. Grass. Oops—maybe not real grass but school play cardboard grass.

Tired. Perhaps a new friend for Mothball to curl up with for a snooze? Oops--what is that big brown lump in the school gym? (No, not that!)

Mothball’s classic meanderings (and snoozings) are hilariously penned in this fabulous new addition to the Diary of a Wombat series by the superlative Jackie French. I absolutely love the tone of Mothball’s diary entries—the dry brevity and classic wombat behaviour that’s made this gorgeous creature an Aussie literary treasure.

Whatley’s divinely funny illustrations yet again make for an all-rounder of a book that will loosen smiles on readers of any age.

Title: Wombat Goes to School
Author: Jackie French
Illustrator: Bruce Whatley
Publisher: HarperCollins, $24.99 RRP
Publication Date: 1 October 2013
Format: Hard cover
ISBN: 9780732295493
For ages: 2 - 8
Type: Picture Book