
Monday 4 November 2013

An Aussie Year: Soup Blog Story Competition Winners

As part of my An Aussie Year virtual tour (click on the poster for the schedule), Rebecca Newman from Soup Blog and I were delighted to coordinate a very special writing competition.

Kids from all over Australia sent in entries for a short story competition (300 words) on being an Aussie kid. Children had to choose a month of the year and write about what they would do during that month. The entries were brilliant! How glorious to see the Australian childhood through the eyes of the experts... the kids! And there was some pretty fabulous storytelling and writing skills going on, too!

So, you can imagine how hard it was for me to choose winners and it was a VERY close call between first and second... but here goes... drumroll, please...

The winner is ... Sophie Lidell (10)

Congratulations, Sophie! You have won a signed copy of An Aussie Year, along with An Aussie Year paper doll kit, card set, stickers, a bookmark, and also three Riley the Little Aviator books! - Riley and the Dancing Lion: A journey around Hong Kong, Riley and the Curious Koala, a journey around Sydney and Riley and the Grumpy Wombat: A journey around Melbourne. This prize is valued at $90!

Sophie has also won the opportunity to have her story on Kids' Book Review, and you can see her sensational work at the end of this post.

And drumroll, please...

Our runner-up is Ingrid Coram (12)

Congratulations, Ingrid! You have won a copy of An Aussie Year!

I hope you both love the books and I can't wait to be invited to YOUR book launches one day.

I'd also like to make some Special Mentions to the following writers, for producing really fabulous work: Jack Thomson (7), Kelsea Thomson (8), Jordyne Brilley (7), Tess Walsh (8).

Happy writing, clever kids!

- Tania McCartney

Be sure to visit the An Aussie Year website for fun activities... you can even print your own paperdolls!


December by Sophie Lidell 

I have chosen the month of December for the Aussie Year Writing Competition. I chose December because it is the month of Christmas, the month of summer and the month that school holidays start.

As November ends and December arrives the temperatures rise as summer has begun. School finally finishes which means that vacation time has finally arrived. Vacation time in Australia means that kids can splash in pools, visit the beach and hang out with their friends. Scores of kids learn new skills, such as surfing, body boarding and skateboarding.

December is the month of Christmas and there are many activities for kids to do which celebrate this fantastic time of year. To prepare for Christmas children make and send cards to each other at school, children can help their parents buy the Christmas tree, if they’re lucky enough to have a farm near them of course, and hang the decorations on the tree and around the house. Maybe they can even have a go at making a Christmas pavlova or throwing a shrimp on the barbie.

December is the time to visit Christmas fairs and candle-lit carol concerts, it is the time to wrap presents, await the magical sound of bells on the roof and leave mince pies and carrots for those special visitors.

December is a very exciting time of year as it means Aussie kids can spend time with their families and thank them for all they do for us.