
Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Book List: Death and Dying

Whether expected or unexpected, death is difficult for both children and adults to understand. These stories introduce the concept to young children, with the death of grandparents, pets, and siblings amongst those discussed.

Old Pig by Margaret Wild, illustrated by Ron Brooks, Allen & Unwin, $27.99, 9780140562118

Drop Dead by Babette Cole, Red Fox, $20.95, 9780099659112

Sadako by Eleanor Coerr, illustrated by Ed Young, Paperstar, $16.99, 9780698115880

Jenny Angel by Margaret Wild, illustrated by Anne Spudvilas, Viking Books, $23.99, 9780670845057

Granpa by John Burningham, Red Fox, $17.95, 9780099434085

Frog and the Birdsong by Max Velthuijs, Anderson Press, $38.95, 9780862643218.

Grandma’s Bill by Martin Waddell, illustrated by Jane Johnson, Hodder, 9780750026277 (out of print)

Heaven by Nicholas Allan, Red Fox, $19.99, 9780099488149

Badger’s Parting Gifts by Susan Varley, Andersen Press, $14.99, 9781849395144